martes, 3 de marzo de 2020


Pink ball

It was a pink ball.
With this ball I play better.
I love playing with it.

by Iván

Talkative animals

The ducks quack a lot.
The bees buzz to the flowers
and my cat says "meow!".

by Ioana


Dancing ballet's great.
I love it. It's my hobby.
Oh, dance and relax.

by Carina


I like basketball.
When I play, I feel happy.
We played together.

by María


The Sun makes them shine.
Wind whispering to roses.
Kids sing together

by Natalia


When I close my eyes,
I feel calm and I sleep well.
Then I snore loudly.

by Guillermo


Do you like water?
Water is nature and life.
I love it a lot.

by Rodrigo

My hip hop group

We are very good.
We are dancing all the time.
We cause an impact.

by Inés

Haikus presentation
by Noemí.

This links gives you examples of haikus in English.

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