martes, 26 de mayo de 2020

Introduction to electricity

Basic documents

Importance of electricity. Video introduction.

Generator --------------- generador
Wire --------------------- cable
Static electricity ------- electricidad estática
Current electricity ----- corriente eléctrica
Voltage ------------------ voltaje
Volts --------------------- voltios
Electron ----------------- electrón
Electrical power -------- potencia eléctrica

Electrical current ------- intensidad eléctrica 
Amperes ----------------- amperios (medida de intensidad)
Watts --------------------- vatios (medida de potencia)
Power lines ------------- líneas de potencia
Safety rules ------------- normas de seguridad
Plug .--------------------- enchufe, enchufar
Extension cord --------- alargador

page 79 Introduction. General questions.

page 80 Reflect. Activities to think about electricity

Answers to the exercises. 79:1; 80:3

Staticc electricity.Video explanation

atom --------------------- átomo
proton ------------------- protón
neutron ------------------ neutrón
electron ----------------- electrón
conductors -------------- conductores
insulators ---------------- aislantes
lightning ----------------  rayo
charge ------------------- carga, cargar
negative charge -------- carga negativa
positive charge --------- carga positiva

page 82. Introduction to the atom

What is an atom and how do we know it? Video explanation. From ancient times to today,

page83. Types of electricity and simple circuits


1 comentario:

  1. Hola Emilio, he copiado el vocabulario que nos has puesto en el cuaderno.
    Maria Arroyo
