miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

Rocking English

Next week we will be working on the pasive voice.


Active voice --> passive voice

I sing the song. --> The song is sung by me.

You play the song. --> The song is played by you.

He plays the drums. --> The drums are played by him.

She sings the song --> The song is sung by her

It sings the song. --> The song is sung by it.

We sing the song. --> The song is sung by us.

You play the song. --> The song is played by you.

They play the drums. --> The drums are played by them.

Other songs

I was made for loving you (cover version by Gemma Lyon)

I was made for loving you (guitar version by Gabriella Quevedo)

No te piedas lo que es capaz de hacer Gabriella con su guitarra. Busca en youtube aunque sin voz pasiva. No sé si ella toca la guitarra o la guitarra es tocada por ella. Tú, ¿qué piensas?

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