viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Natural Science: the ideas

Actividad propuesta para el día 16 de junio.

Vamos a comentar cuáles nos parecen los aspectos más importantes que hemos aprendido en este curso en el área de Ciencias de la Naturaleza. Dejamos nuestros comentarios en esta sección del blog. 

Si te sientes más cómodo explicándolo en español, también puedes aportar tus comentarios.

Let's comment what the most important features are about the things we have learnt along this course in the area of Natural Science. Leave your comments in this section of the blog.

If you feel more comfortable explaining yourself in Spanish, you can also share your comments in your native language. 

37 comentarios:

  1. Aprendí que los seres vives se componen de una o varias células que son las unidades vivas mínimas.

  2. Yo he aprendido mucho de los territorios animales. David

  3. There are topics that I liked more than others and that I have worked on more. But I keep what has caught my attention the most. For me, the most important ideas are:
    -Plant and animal cells share the following characteristics: a nucleus, a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and vacuoles. Plant cells also have cell wall and chloroplast.
    - The different types of ecosystems: Terrestrial, aquatic and artificial. The fauna, the climate and where each one of them is. This one of my favorite topic.
    - The different organisms that make up a food chain: producers, consumers and decomposers. And the differences between predation, parasitism and commensalism.
    - The types of energy there are: renewable and non-renewable. How they are produced and which ones are good for the environment.
    - One of the things I didn´t know is that when light reflects an object, some colours of it disappear and others are reflected, which are what we see.
    - And finally, I have learned that there are 2 types of charges: positive and negative. Objects with opposite charges attract each other and repel with the same charge.

  4. I think that all the aspects in natural science and in science in general are important but there are some topics which I think everyone should know and I think they are the most important ones:
    1. The fist one is very iportant for me it's the types of living things and how they life.
    2. The second one is very important for me and for everyone is the biosphere because it's very important in our life and it can affect to every single living thing and it's very important to conserve the species in our planet and to take care of the different ecosystems.
    3.I think that the ecosistems are also important aspects natural science because we learn a little bit more of the species in our planet and the place where they life.
    4. Finally I think that electricity is one of the most important aspects in natural science because we use electricity almost for everything.

  5. Nazan Baro. Lo que más me ha gustado son los elementos de un ecosistema y los territorios que lo forman. Ya que me gustan los diferentes animales que los componen.

  6. I have learned:

    1-All living thing consist of tiny units called cells.
    2- The structure of the cells
    3-An ecosystem is made up of living things and non-living things.
    4- The terrestial ecosystems(Forest,Grassland,Tundra,Tropical rainforets,desert)
    5-The energy sources(Renowable and non-renewable energy sources)
    6-Characteristics of light (Speed, color,direction).


  7. iker lopez. lo que mas me a gustado los elementos de un ecosistema, lo demas me a gustado mucho.

  8. Fátima Lo que más me ha gustado los elementos de un ecosistema y los territorios que forman

  9. I loved this subout bjet!
    1- I've learnt a lot about the living things and the human body.
    2 -I´ve also learnt a lot a lot of ecosystems (such as the coniferous forests, tropical rainforests, wetlands, open ocean, etc)
    3- I´ve learnt a lot about electricity,etc
    4- I loved when we learnt about the cells and their structure
    Gracias Emilio por enseñarnos tanto (Y soportarnos XD)
    Todo lo que he aprendido sobre inglés, ciencias, etc;
    Te lo debo a ti

  10. I have learned:
    1-An ecosystem is a community of living things an non-living things. 2-I have learned about the cell structure and the life processes. 3-I have learned about the terrestial ecosystems (such as desert, tundra...). 4-I have learned about The loss of bidiodiversity (Extincion)occurs when every single member of a species dies out and none are left alive. 5-I have learned about energy (forms for energy and energy sources). 6- And I have learned about the Elctricity ( Electricity is energy that flows everywhere around us,and we use it in our everyday life).

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. Me he equivocado sin querer lo he mandado dos veces.
    Lena villafranca.

  13. Sergio Alcazar a mi lo que más me a gustado fue el tema de los economistas me a parecido muy interesante

  14. The things I like more were the ecosistems and the living things.

  15. i like more the ecosistems and the living things

  16. The things I like more were the ecosistems and the living things.

  17. Yo he aprendido muchas cosas sobre los animales y sus territorios

  18. 1-ELECTRICITY is energy that flows everywhere around us,and we use it in our everyday life. 2-The structure of the cells. 3-An electrical currentcan be produced and transported in a closed electrical circuit. 4-an electrical circuit has four basic parts:power source,conductor,switch,and load 5-The energy sources(Renowable and non-renewable energy sources) 6-there are 2 types of charges: positive and negative. Objects with opposite charges attract each other and repel with the same charge. Soy Ramiro Vallejo.

  19. I´ve learnt lot´s of things in natural science. 1 The plants and animal´s cells. 2 The ecosystems. 3 The food relationships between the animals. 4 The different forms of energy. 5 Light and heat and their characteristics. 6 The properties of the electricity. In my opinion they´re the most important aspects of this subject.

  20. Yo e aprendido de la electricidad . De daniel

  21. Soy Noemí, me ha gustado la unidad 3 OUR PLANET'S BIOSPHERE porque he aprendido muchos animales y plantas y que animal se come a una planta o al revés, también he aprendido muchas cosas nuevas como el MONFRAGÜE NATIONAL PARK y DOÑANA NATIONAL PARK.

  22. Soy Sandra me ha gustado el tema 2 THE EARTH'S ECOSISTEM, porque es muy entretenido, porque es muy interesante,he aprendido mucho con los ecosistemas el que mas me ha gustado mas el ecosistema es THE DESERT

  23. I have learn
    1:The characteristics of living things
    2:the different types of terrestial ecosystems
    3:the aquatic and artificial ecosystems,that are my favourites
    4:the forms of energy,that are very interesting
    5:the light and heat because I learn a lot about them and I love this unit
    6:Electricity because I think that this unit contain a lot of imformation and is very interesting.
    María Arroyo

  24. Soy Maria lozano de 5B, me resultó interesante el tema 3(our planet's biosphere) porque iba de animales y los animales me gustan mucho.

  25. Por email, Inés comentó:

    I have learned a lot with the
    - ecosystems and there animals ,
    - whith the primary , secondary and tertiary sectors.
    - with the types of energy and how to use each energy .
    - the different living things .
    - with the aquatic , terrestrial and urban ecosystems.
    - And with the colors of light.

  26. I´ve learnt a lot this year about Natural Science:
    1. The different types of ecosystems.
    2. In OUR PLANET´S BIOSPHERE the different relationships.
    3. Living things and their cells.
    4. Electricity because we use it almost everytime.
    5. Light and heat: reflection and refraction.
    Natalia :D

  27. Lo que más me ha gustado es la electricidad porque la usamos constantemente y quiero saber mucho más de ella

  28. Iker Martínez el comentario de antes

  29. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  30. This year in natural science I've learnt a lot...
    1-The plant, human and animal cells.
    2-The forms of electricity.
    3-The different types of ecosistems.
    4-The sectors and their jobs.
    5-Living things and non-living things.
    6-Some new words.

  31. My favourite unit is "The earth´s ecosystems" becouse I have learn´t a lot of landscapes and the animals that lives there.
    Terrestrial ecosystems my favourite is the Tundra.
    Aquatic ecosystems my favourite is the Open ocean.
    Artificial escosystems my favourite is the terrestrial ecosystems.

  32. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  33. My favorite unit is the electricity and the secundary are the ecosistems. De Daniel

  34. Iván G. comenta:

    I havelearn in natural:

    1-the differentspartsoftheplant and animal cell, like: nucleus,vacuoles,thecellmembrane,cytoplasm,cellwall and chloroplast.
    2-the differentterrestrial,water and artificial ecosystems :forest,grasslands,tundra.And :flowingwter,standing wáter, shoreline,openocean.
    3-the feedingrelationship and thefoods webs: producers,consumers and descomposers.Andtheanimalsthat has inside .
    4-the formsofenergy :kinetic,potencial,mechanical,termal,chemical,light,electrical and soundenergy.
    5-the light sources ,characteristicsoflight,making light and material of light.
    6-the reflection and refracción ofthelight,mirrors and lenses.
