viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Ciencias Sociales: las ideas

Actividad propuesta para el día 16 de junio.

Vamos a comentar cuáles nos parecen los aspectos más importantes que hemos aprendido en este curso en el área de Ciencias Sociales. Dejamos nuestros comentarios en esta sección del blog. 

Si te sientes más cómodo explicándolo en español, también puedes aportar tus comentarios.

27 comentarios:

  1. I think that learning how to study Social Science was really important. After understanding the text, I should take notes about the ideas I would like to write and memorise.

  2. Yo creo que aprender sociales es muy importante, porque hay mucha historia antigua

  3. Social is more difficult for me, but I have learned important things from the history of Spain. Some of them are:
    -The Visigothic Kingdom was established in the Iberian Peninsula from AD 476 until AD 711.And then the Muslim Kingdom created Al-Ándalus until 1492.
    -Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. Carlos I had a powerful Empire with territories throughout the world. His successor was Felipe II, who won the battle of Lepanto.
    -In the 17th century there was an economic and political crisis due to costly wars. In the War of Succesion the Bourbons and Habsburg fight for the Spanish crown.
    -Population density is calculated by dividing the population by square kilometres. Spanish has a population density of 93 inhabitants per square kilometre.
    -There are 3 sectors in the economy, in which I have learned which jobs belong to each sector. In Spain the main sector the economy is tourism.

  4. I think that the most important social science aspects are these:
    1. The first is one of the most important aspects for me is to learn about cultures of the past and how life was before some incredible inventions I think that this is very important because we have to know how life was before and how here the old cultures.
    2. The second one is very interesting and it's of how the kings and queens of before where and how they governed. I also think that this is important because this shows how people has involved and how we are now.
    3. The third one is very important is population I think that population is very important because thank's of these we can know how many people day and born at one day or how many people lives in each country and also how the population changes.
    4. And the last one is very interesting forme which is economy I think this aspect is so interesting because you can know how many people work in each sector and we can also see how the different works are.

    1. Great! Thanks for your interest and sharing your comments.

      In number 1 you meant "How old cultures were", I guess.

      In number 3 you meant "how many people are born and die", I guess.

    2. Yes I had it in the language of Spanish and the corrector changed it,sorry

  5. Nazan Baro. Lo que más me ha gustado de lo que hemos visto en sociales es la España Medieval por todos los cambios y costumbres que ha sufrido España a lo largo de esta etapa.

  6. Iker lopez. lo que mas me a gustado a sido la populación he aprendido que population density describes the number of people in an área.

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Jorge Munilla.
    I loved when we learnt about economy!! It was so funny and i've learnt a lot about the three sectors!!!!!

  9. I Have learned:
    1-I have learned about the middle ages( The visigoths were already Christian in AD 589). 2-I have learned about Christopher Colombus when he trvel from the Americas. 3- I have learned about the 17th-centuries spain and the golden age (The baroque literature such as: Novelist Miguel de Cervantes, Playwrights Felix Lipe de Vega and Poets Francisco de Quevedo, and the baroque architecture such as: Oval Shapes, Elavorate Structure and Ornamental features, and Baroque Painting such as: The fable of Archine by Diego Rodríguez de Silvia y Velàzquez, Venus and Adonis by Jose de Ribera, Breakfast with Chocolate by Francisco de Zubarán and Rebecca and Elizer by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. 4- I have learned about the Population. 5- I have learned about the Economy (Primary sector secondary sector and the Tertiary sector).

  10. Sergio Alcazar lo que más me a gustado a sido el tema de los animal porque a mi me a parecido muy interesante

  11. De daniel . Yo aprendi mucho de la historia y sus etapas como la llegada de cristobal colon a america

  12. Soy Noemí, a mí me gusta la unidad 1 MEDIEVAL SPAIN porque es interesante he hice un montón de PowerPoint, además es sencillo he interesante y he aprendido muchas cosas como por ejemplo THE MUDDLE AGES y THE CHRISTIAN KINGDOMS

  13. Soy Sandra a mi me ha gustado la unidad 5 ECONOMY porque me ha gustado los sectores, he aprendido mucho con los sectores en España, sobre la economía y qué sector ocupas si trabajas en determinados puestos de trabajo... ha sido muy interesante. El sector primero es el que más he aprendido, porque es el más importante para la sociedad

  14. Soy Maria lozano me ha gustado mucho el tema 1(Medieval Spain) porque me costó mucho estudiarmelo y al final lo conseguí y me pareció muy interesante.

  15. I have learn
    1:the stages of Al-Andalus
    2:the Christian kingdoms
    3:the golden age that is very interesting
    4:the changing population
    5:the three sectors,my favourite unit
    6:the 17th century in Spain
    María Arroyo

  16. Por email, Inés comentó:

    I think that probably the most dificult subjet for me is social , but I learnt a lot with social science :

    - the reconquista ( 8th-10th , 11th , 13th and 15th centurys)

    - Society of Christian kingdoms .

    - Architectural Styles ( Romanesque , Gothic and Mudéjar).

    - The Naval exploration and Christopher Colombus.

    - The imports and exports between The Américas and Spain .

    - 16th Century in Spain.

    - The Habsburg dynasty.

    - Baroque painting ( painters , portraits...).

    -Sectors un Spain ( primary , secondary and tertiary sectors).

  17. I have learned:
    1-How life was like in Al-Andalus and how the Reconquest took place.
    2-How were the cities in Al-Andalus and in the Christian Kingdoms.
    3- Christopher Columbus journey to discover America.
    4-The caracteristics of baroque literature,architecture and painting.
    5-How the population density is calculated.
    6-Sectors of the economy(the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors).

  18. I have learned:
    1. The Middle Ages and Al-Ándalus.
    2. The Bourbon and the Habsburg dynasty.
    3. Population and the population density.
    4. The three economy sectors.
    5. The Baroque painting and Golden Age.
    It was so interesting!! I loved it.

  19. Lo que más me ha gustado es aprender los tres sectores económicos porque en el futuro nosotros también formaremos parte de uno de ellos y hay que aprender mucho de todos ellos para elegir bien. Iker Martínez

  20. I´ve leant
    1-The discovering of Americas.
    2-The different centuries in Spain.
    3-The two Dynasties.
    4-Ferdinang Magellan and the penguin named after him.
    5-The Baroque literature, architecture and painting.
    6-The population.

  21. Iván Bellón
    1.El siglo XV fue muy interesante
    2.El final de la reconquista
    3.Fernando VI
    4.Apreder sobre la población de España
    5.Diferenciar los sectores
    1.Descubrir cosas de animales
    2.El océano
    3.El lince ibérico
    4.Energía electrica
    5.La luz

  22. Iván G. comenta:

    Havelearn in social

    1-the middleages, Al-Ándalus and theirlife and christianskingdoms
    Battleof Covadonga, theconqueredof Toledo, the navas thetolosa, theconqueredof Granada,
    2-the endofthereconquista,power,expansion,religión in themodernage.
    Naval exploration and therenaissance.
    3-The HabsburgDynasty: Felipe III,FelipeIV and CarlosII.The Golden Age
    And the Bourbon Dynasty: Felipe V,FernandoVI,CarlosIII,CarlosIV.
    4-the changingpopulation and thepopulationdensity and thepopulationofEurope.
    Natural increase: birthrate- deathrate=natural increase
    Natural increase+immigrants-emigrants=actual increaseç
    5-the sectorswiththethingsthatthis sector do , producece, in their use and wereitcames.
    6-the typesofmigrationthattrends in Spain : internationalemigration, internalmigration and internationalimmigration.

  23. 1.El siglo XV fue muy interesante
    2.El final de la reconquista
    3.Fernando VI
    4.Apreder sobre la población de España
    5.Diferenciar los sectores
    1.Descubrir cosas de animales
    2.El océano
    3.El lince ibérico
    4.Energía electrica
    5.La luz
    6.Electricidad .... Tatiana boti González

  24. My favourite unit is "The medieval Spain" I´ve learnt things of the visigoths muslims and Al Ándalus: People prayed in the mosque, the markert place was the zoco and alcazaba was a fortified palace.
